Office of the President


Br. Thomas Jones, FSC, began serving as interim President of Saint Mary's College of California on July 1, 2023. 

Brother Thomas has been a Christian Brother for six decades. For 25 of those years and over four decades, he has been at Saint Mary’s as a student, a Brother responsible for the training and formation of young Brothers, a Resident Director and adjunct faculty in the seminar program, and as a Staff Psychologist in Counseling and Psychological Services and Resident Director.  

Br. Thomas with a student















Brother Thomas’s deep-rooted history with Saint Mary’s College, his commitment to our Lasallian mission with its 300-year tradition of serving and responding to the needs of the marginalized, his academic and professional experience, and his determination to forge a strong future for our institution, make him singularly suited to lead the College.

A Gael alumnus himself, Brother Thomas earned a BA at Saint Mary’s before obtaining two master’s degrees and a doctorate in Psychology from the University of San Francisco. He also holds two California state licenses in Psychology.  As a Staff Psychologist in Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and resident director since 2012, he is a guiding and thoughtful presence among Gael students and possesses a unique understanding of their needs and concerns. 

Brother Thomas chats with students

Read more about Brother Thomas Jones and his appointment to serve as Interim President at Saint Mary's College of California.

Contact information:
Office of the President
Phone: (925) 631-4203